If A figure becomes corrupt you can write the database entry back to the SAME figure only, to fix corruption. If auto-save is off you can scan a figure to check it's stats without overwriting the current database entry.

You can double click a name on the left to load the last save and see their stats without needing to rescan a figure. The database is auto-saved when you quit. The list on the left will grow showing your whole catalogue of figures. It should be read in and then appear on screen.

To import your collection, tick the "autosave" box at the bottom right then just put a figure on the portal. Just plug them into the PC and it should all just work. So pretty much most of the old portals laying around. So, this works with any non xbox one portal. I will try to keep that page updated with the latest version so it's now the official place to go for any updates. Reddit seems to be killing my links that point directly to the download.