Download rc battlebots
Download rc battlebots

BattleBots!ĭesigning, building, and testing robots are inherently dangerous activities that should only be conducted by trained professionals and/or qualified engineers. Then, one day, with much effort (and fun), you will be ready for the heavyweights, the big time. As you gain knowledge and experience, move up into the higher weight classes.

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You should start small-enter one of the many local competitions that are being held worldwide. You will work hard, make mistakes, go back to the drawing board and perfect ideas again and again. You must communicate and commune with other builders, share ideas and resources, source parts and suppliers.

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You must take the steps and learn the combined disciplines of engineering, electronics, CAD, physics and design. Instead, you must embark on a path of research, education and community. No one can tell you exactly how to build your championship winning idea. Learning to build a combat robot is a journey. But all want to learn the dos, don’ts and best practices of the sport-and all have dreams and ideas for the next best BattleBot.

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Some new builders have experience, others are complete newbies. The sport of robot combat is growing worldwide and attracting new builders in record numbers.

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